United Animal Health

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On average, for every 1 pound of additional sow lactation average daily feed intake = ______ additional pound of wean weight per pig:

Nailed it!

Ah, so close. The correct answer is 0.19.

The Donald E. Orr Swine Research Farm at United Animal Health provides the ability to measure individual sow feed intake using LeeO precision technology. Since 2018, data collected on more 6,200 litters at United Animal Health research farms has shown that improving lactation feed intake improves weaned pig performance. In this model, litter size was adjusted as a covariate when determining the linear relationship of ADFI on wean weight.

One additional pound of bodyweight at weaning = ______ pounds at end of nursery:

Nice Work!

That was nearly it. The correct answer is 2.4.

Studies conducted at United Animal Health research farms on more than 65,000 weaned pigs show that driving lactation performance results in downstream benefits. United Animal Health offers nutrition and specialty products, plus technical expertise to improve sow reproductive fitness and wean pig start-up.

United Animal Health

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Compared to pigs weighing less than 8 pounds at weaning, nine- to 10-pound pigs show ______ reduction in nursery mortality and ______ additional pounds at marketing.

Way to go!

Dang it! The correct answer is 15% / 14 Pounds.

Evaluating more than 8,000 individual pigs from birth to marketing at United Animal Health research farms has shown that implementing strategies to increase wean weights results in reduced nursery mortality and increased weights at end of nursery and marketing.

When comparing the Wean-To-First-Service Interval (WTFSI) of sows returning to heat on Day 7 vs. WTFSI on Day 4, sows returning on Day 7 have a ______ pig reduction on subsequent total born and ______ points reduction in farrowing rate.

You got it!

Not quite. The correct answer is 1.00 Pig / 8 Points.

Traditional methods of measuring the percentage of sows in heat by Day 7 post-weaning hides valuable opportunity. In evaluating more than 47,000 sow records in a Midwestern production system, measuring the distribution of WTFSI by day shows how shifting more sows inside Day 5 can positively impact sow reproductive fitness.

​Increasing wean age by adding one additional lactation day = ______ additional pounds of pig bodyweight at weaning.

You are crushing it!

Had you been any closer, you'd have been right. The correct answer is 0.50.

When feasible, extending lactation and increasing wean age can be a tool to improve nursery performance. Our research shows each additional day over 16 days results in a 0.51-pound increase in average wean weight. Results are based on more than 7,100 litters and 93,000 individual pigs evaluated through United Animal Health research farms.

United Animal Health

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Offspring from multiparous females average ______ pounds additional bodyweight at end of nursery when compared to offspring from P1 females.

Great answer!

Almost. The correct answer is 1.95.

Focusing on strategies that drive P1 performance, including lactation feed intake, can improve P1 progeny outcomes as well as P1 retention and subsequent reproductive performance. Regardless of parity, driving lactation ADFI increases progeny wean weights and nursery performance. Results are based on more than 64,000 pigs evaluated through United Animal Health research farms.

An out-of-feed event recurring every two weeks during the grow-finish period will reduce market weight by ______ pounds.

You get an A+

Oops, that's not it. The correct answer is 4.4.

Losing sight of "blocking and tackling" can prove costly in lost performance and profitability.

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